An analysis of key choices for the ambition and scope of a 2030 target

Wanted: A New 2030 Climate Target for the EU

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In November 2019, the European Commission announced a European Green Deal to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. EU legislators endorsed this goal but are still grappling with a new 2030 target. On 11 December 2020, heads of state agreed on a binding net domestic greenhouse gas emission reduction target of at least 55% compared to 1990 levels, while the European Parliament voted for a 60% target in October 2020. Besides the level, the scope of the target is another important consideration, particularly with regard to whether the land-use sector, international navigation and international aviation are to be included. Finally, an effective policy framework to achieve these targets will be crucial, with many options now on the table for revising and amending the EU’s current climate architecture. Following latest council conclusions, the EU will update its nationally determined contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement by the end of the year.
