Deliverable 8.1 of the RE-DISS II Project

Future Governance of European Tracking Systems

  • M. Klimscheffskij
  • D. Lescot
  • C. Raimundo
Vorschaubild der PDF-Datei Future Governance of European Tracking Systems

The RE-DISS II project team has intensively consulted competent bodies and responsible governmental organisations for electricity disclosure and guarantees of origin, as well as other stakeholders in order to identify the specific needs for further future services. This also includes particularly input and requests from Competent Bodies as represented during the RE-DISS II domain workshops in 2013 and 2014, and within Core Theme 5 of the Concerted Action for the Implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive (CA-RES).

As a result, RE-DISS II has identified a list of four tasks which have been considered relevant to be carried out on a regular (e.g. annual) basis in order to assure reliable and trust-worthy tracking and disclosure systems in Europe.