
Accounting of the land-use sector in nationally determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement

  • Anke Herold
    Kommissarische Sprecherin der Geschäftsführung des Öko-Institut e.V. Geschäftsführung

In terms of measuring and also accounting the land-use sector is special in many senses, a circumstance that motivated the extra-effort on the elaboration of a specific guide. The guide starts with a comparison of the different available accounting approaches for the land-use sector, takes into account layers of measuring and tackling climate change in the sector such as national GHG emissions and removals inventories or REDD+, it considers NDC related issues such as baselines and market-mechanisms, it takes a glance on sector specific issues such as harvested wood products and non-permanence before concluding with a summary of recommendations.
