
Master Thesis in the field of hydrogen and energy system modelling - Student Assistant (m/f/d)

Berlin | Freiburg

For the institute division Energy & Climate we are looking for a student, who is eager to write a master thesis in collaboration with Oeko-Institut at the location either Berlin or Freiburg:

Master Thesis in the field of hydrogen and energy system modelling - Student Assistant (m/f/d)

The planned topic of the Master’s thesis will be:

“National energy system transformation in countries of the Global South with a focus on PtX for domestic decarbonization and exports – a model-based analysis”


Hydrogen economy has become a buzz word to spur new investment and to combine sustainable economic development with new business opportunities, world-wide, but especially in developing countries. However, as noted in many publications there is not a one fits all solution for integrating hydrogen and PtX into the domestic energy systems and to balancing this in a viable, sustainable way with the development of a PtX export sector or even the transformation of an existing fossil fuel-based export sector towards PtX. Tailored national strategies are needed to account for the individual structure of each national energy system and potential decarbonization pathways, existing RES-E potentials, physical and socio-economic geographies, existing infrastructures, and other important individual aspects.

Objective of the thesis

This master thesis builds on existing energy system modelling frameworks and makes them operational to include country-specific data and to address trade-offs between domestic decarbonization and exports of PtX products. The Python based open-source modelling framework PyPSA [1] will be used for the analysis. The developed model will be used to quantify trade-offs in terms of speed and depth of the decarbonization and its costs, potential revenues from PtX exports, while considering existing infrastructure as well as required infrastructure investments.

Key Tasks

  • Get acquainted with existing PyPSA applications: PyPSA is being used for an increasing number of regions and applications. The first step will be to review existing works that can be used and adapted as a starting point.
  • Choose a country-specific case study: The modelling should be carried out for at least one case study country. This country needs to be choosen carefully taking data availability, political and economic relevance as well as strategic considerations by Oeko-institut into account.  
  • Obtain and structure data on the national energy systems and existing infrastructure: refined enough to allow sensible assessments, aggregate enough to avoid artefacts and reduce computational complexity; where possible global sources should be used to allow replicability for other countries. RES-E potential will be provided from our sources and are not part of the research.
  • Operationalize the modelling framework: Get acquainted with the tool and adapt/extend it to assess the trade-offs in global hydrogen developments.
  • Scenario analysis: Set up 2 - 3 scenarios of potential development differentiating developments in costs, international demand and local barriers.
  • Conclusions: Based on the scenario analysis, draw conclusions on no regret developments and identify required points of decision to guide the role of PtX in the national energy transformation in the future. 

Who are we looking for?

We are seeking a motivated master's student who has a keen interest in energy system modelling and hydrogen. The candidate should be interested in energy system analysis, including understanding, using and extending energy system models, preferably written in Python. This should be coupled with a socio-economic interest to be capable of comprehending the various trade-offs inherent in the interactions between the energy system and the economy. This master’s thesis opportunity is ideal for those with a background in Industrial or Energy Economics, Economics and Math or equivalent programs. Fluency in English is required. We are happy to receive applications from outside Germany and EU countries to broaden the perspective of the analysis, which so far seems characterized by an EU-centric approach. It would be beneficial if the candidate has country-specific expertise for the intended country focus of the Master's thesis.

Our offer:

We offer a varied student-job in a highly motivated, professional team working on a wide range of national and international environmental and sustainability issues. We are committed to diversity and equality and strive for an inclusive work environment and diversity. Payment is made according to the Oeko-Institut’s salary charts as part of the institution’s charter agreement. Mobile working is possible. Your employment contract will be limited to six months.


We look forward to receiving your application. Please send it by 15.05.2024 as a pdf file by e-mail to p.kirstetter@oeko.de

After completion of the application process, your application documents will be deleted. You can find our privacy policy here


[1]  pypsa.org

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