
Case-Study: Energy and Climate Funds

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This case study is part of a series of six studies which show good practice examples for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the sectors covered under the Effort Sharing Legislation. It has been developed on behalf of the European Commission, DG Climate Action.

Energy and climate funds are financial instruments that offer support for a variety of projects. Such funds can vary in size and scope, addressing a variety of different target groups and sectors. Often energy and climate funds specifically address effort sharing sectors and have a diverse portfolio of projects they aim to support. Such funds can be effective in their ability to realize emission reduction potentials in previously untapped areas, in producing long-term changes, changing behavioural patterns, and addressing a multitude of barriers.

This case study considers four best-practice examples of energy and climate funds: The Climate and Energy Fund managed by Enova (Norway), the National Climate Initiative (Germany), the National Trust ECO Fund (Bulgaria), and the JESSICA-FIDAE Fund (Spain). The case study will give an overview of each fund, compare insights from the implementation phases of the funds, and offer an assessment of the four funds in terms of their successes, limitations, and future potentials
