Executive Summary - Study commissioned by Stiftung Klimaneutralität and Agora Energiewende

Agenda Heat transition 2021

  • Christian Maaß
  • Dr. Matthias Sandrock
  • Paula Möhring
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The core of the report is the elaboration of a set of policy instruments aimed at achieving the climate protection targets of the building sector. The inertia characterizing the sector requires that the necessary developments, such as more ambitious thermal insulation measures on the building envelope, a faster switch to renewable heating systems, and an ambitious expansion of grid-based heat supply, be initiated very quickly. With a view to the target year of 2030, the next legislative period is therefore the key period.

The specific framework conditions of the building sector, such as long investment cycles, low price elasticities and the distribution of incentives between landlords and tenants, mean that effective climate protection in the building sector can only be achieved with a broad mix of instruments. CO2 pricing of fossil fuels is a central instrument of this mix.
