
100 Social Sciences and Humanities priority research questions for energy efficiency in Horizon Europe

  • Dr. Corinna Fischer
  • et al.

The launch of the European Union’s (EU) Horizon Europe programme provides exciting opportunities for Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) research to contribute to the fulfilment of the EU’s ambitious policy goals on energy and climate change. This report presents 100 questions that have been identified by experts as key priorities for SSH research on energy efficiency, in order to inform and support these goals.

Foulds, C., Royston, S., Berker, T., Nakopoulou, E., Abram, S., Ančić, B., Arapostathis, E., Badescu, G., Bull, R., Cohen, J., Dunlop, T., Dunphy, N., Dupont, C., Fischer, C., Gram-Hanssen, K., Grandclément, C., Heiskanen, E., Labanca, N., Jeliazkova, M., Jörgens, H., Keller, M., Kern, F., Lombardi, P., Mourik, R., Ornetzeder, M., Pearson, P., Rohracher, H., Sahakian, M., Sari, R., Standal, K. and Živčič, L., 2020. 100 Social Sciences and Humanities priority research questions for energy efficiency in Horizon Europe.Cambridge: Energy-SHIFTS.
