
International nuclear policy

[Translate to English:] © plainpicture / Delta Image

Around the world, reactors are still running; indeed, in some cases, new ones are being built. The EU has 104 nuclear power plants, more than half of which are located in France. Finland, Sweden, the Czech Republic and Slovakia also rely on nuclear energy. In addition, there are newcomers to nuclear energy, such as Egypt, Bangladesh and Turkey, which rely on cooperation with Russia. A key topic in all these countries is facility safety: this applies not only to Switzerland, which, along with India and the US, has the world’s oldest nuclear plants, but also to potential newcomers, which are entering into new dependencies in relation to uranium or the supply of fuel elements, for example.

The Oeko-Institut researches numerous aspects of nuclear safety, always providing an international perspective. What is the situation with regard to safety levels at existing plants? What about upgrading, wear and tear and material fatigue? The Oeko-Institut experts provide independent assessments on these and other questions and are available to share their expertise on issues relating to “new” technologies such as Generation IV or small modular reactors (SMRs).


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