
Renewable energies

[Translate to English:] © plainpicture/Ulrich Mertens

Solar, wind and hydro – the expansion of renewables in power generation is pivotal to the energy transition. Germany aims to increase the share of renewables-generated electricity in overall electricity consumption to 80% by 2030. It already accounts for around 50%. However, renewables expansion is stalling – due to acceptance problems among some population groups, under-allocation of land for wind power generation, and bureaucratic obstacles.

The Oeko-Institut has produced various research studies setting out its recommendations on the accelerated expansion of renewables, particularly wind power and photovoltaics. To take account of daily and seasonal fluctuations in power generation from photovoltaics and wind farms, further expansion of the electricity grids is also required. In addition, there is an increased need for storage options and more flexibility. The Oeko-Institut’s experts investigate the obstacles and opportunities for the expansion of renewables and define the legal framework for a sustainable expansion that would be acceptable to the German public. Refining the structure of the electricity market is a further focus of the Oeko-Institut’s work.



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    Image 07/08/2024
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