Quantitative analysis of existing EU-wide studies

Power sector decarbonisation: Metastudy WP 2.2

  • E. Acuner
  • H. Arnold
  • M. Fischedick
  • J. Friege
  • Sienna Healy
  • M. Prantner
  • Dr. Sascha Samadi
  • J. Venjakob

The scope of the “Power Sector Decarbonisation: Metastudy” research project is to provide an overview of the relevant energy scenarios in order to help overcome the described difficulties by applying the so-called decomposition methodology. Analysing different scenario studies with this method involves systematically disaggregating their calculated emission reductions into the underlying causal factors (or components). By this decomposition of the CO2 emissions the methodology provides value added in increasing the transparency of modelling exercises within the various scenario studies.
