Statement for the 6th Roundtable of the Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) on Studying Energy Situations

Energy transformation in Germany - Progress, shortfalls and prospects

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This statement is structured as follows. Section 2 contains the answers to the questionnairesubmitted to the author in advance. Section 3 provides a compact assessmentof the current status of the energy transformation in Germany, which is based onfour generic strategies for deep decarbonisation targets. Section 4 lists some referencesfor further reading and section 5 provides data and figures intended to be of useto those interested in more in-depth quantitative or structural information.

Last but not least, it should be noted that parts of the information and analysis providedin this statement is based on research funded by German government institutions.However, the positions presented in this paper do not necessarily represent officialGerman positions.