Workshop: Life-Cycle Perspective of Nanomaterials

A workshop on the life-cycle perspective of nanomaterials will take place in Brussels on 9 December 2015. This English-language event is hosted by the Safe Development of Nanotechnologies project partners, and participation is free. Representatives from the Oeko-Institut will moderate several workshop sessions and give thematic inputs on energy and resource efficiency in the production stage of nanomaterials and on the management of nano-waste from production and consumer waste streams. The workshop and the project as a whole highlight the place of nanomaterials in the circular economy – a concept which promotes the reuse of materials in every stage of the product life cycle.

Workshop: Life-Cycle Perspective of Nanomaterials, with contributions from the Oeko-Institut – programme and registration

Project: Safe Development of Nanotechnologies

Together with the Center für International Environmental Law (CIEL) and the European Environmental Citizens’ Organisation for Standardisation (ECOS), the Oeko-Institut is participating in a three-year project which aims to ensure that the environmental and social benefits and the risks of nanomaterials are considered in the legislative process for improved chemical safety in the EU (REACH). With this aim in mind, the partners provide advice and recommendations to the standardisation organisations ISO and CEN and the OECD Working Party on Nanotechnology (WPN), focusing on the development of clear regulatory standards in this area.

The experts also compile information on standardisation for civil society representatives, including NGOs. This includes various free factsheets that make the case for better health and environmental protection in relation to nanomaterials. The project partners have also recently issued a position paper on the European Commission’s proposed revisions for improving safety assessment and risk management of nanomaterials in the context of REACH.

The project is funded by the Villum Foundation.

Further information:

Position Paper – Revision of REACH Annexes for Nanomaterials, with contributions from the Oeko-Institut (in English)

Other free information from the Safe Development of Nanotechnologies project (campaign updates, factsheets, etc.), with contributions from the Oeko-Institut (in English)

Oeko-Institut contact:

Andreas Hermann, L.L.M. Senior Researcher Environmental Law & Governance Oeko-Institut e.V., Darmstadt office Tel: +49 6151 8191-158 E-mail: