Final disposal: Tools for public participation

Public authorities, operators and other institutions entrusted with finding a final disposal site can now draw on Oeko-Institut’s toolbox to organize the dialogue with citizens in the best way possible. On the project website ( comprehensive information and specific tools are made available, with which organizations can make searches according to various criteria.

Based on the stage of the procedure, the time frame and the number of people expected to participate, guidelines for the organization of different dialogue formats – such as expert groups, citizens' panels, round tables, focus groups, etc. – and case studies are provided which describe the use of tools, methods and processes used in actual situations. Furthermore, contact details are provided with the case studies so that interested parties can discuss specific tools with them.

Using and sharing international experiences

The IPPA toolbox bundles international experiences from public participation processes, particularly those in countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and reflects Oeko-Institut’s expertise in research in this field. The toolbox is above all geared to decision-makers in countries which are going to be searching for disposal sites for nuclear waste or other hazardous waste in the future.

The toolbox was developed within the scope of the IPPA project (Implementing Public Participation Approaches in Radioactive Waste Disposal) under the European Commission’s 7th EURATOM Framework Programme.

Further information on the <link aktuelles buergerbeteiligung-bei-der-endlagersuche>IPPA project can be found on Oeko-Institut’s website.

Oeko-Institut’s IPPA toolbox with tools, methods and processes geared to stakeholder participation in the search for repository sites can be found here


Beate Kallenbach-Herbert
Head of Division 
Nuclear Engineering & Facility Safety
Oeko-Institut e.V., Darmstadt office
Phone: +49 6151 8191-109