International Conference on Digitalization and Sustainability

  • Jan Peter Schemmel

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Both digitalization and the need to move towards more sustainable development are megatrends that are leading to transformations of societies and economies worldwide and that need to be accompanied politically. In this context, the actors in the two fields often discuss challenges, opportunities and risks only separately or with reference to challenges at the national level. But only if digitalization and sustainability are thought of together in their international dimension can the potential for environmentally friendly, climate-friendly and resource-conserving development be secured.

The Oeko-Institut and the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) are now bringing these discourses together in an international conference. Under the heading "",  interdisciplinary experts, policy makers and representatives from the private sector as well as from social and civic society from all over the world will discuss the following questions in a virtual conference on May 19 and 20:

  • What concrete measures are needed to ensure the ecological sustainability of digitalization?
  • How can digitalization enable and support the transformation towards more sustainable development?
  • How can we learn from each other and cooperate on an international and bilateral level in order to create favorable framework conditions and promote promising initiatives for sustainable digitalization?

High-level participants from all sectors of society

Representatives from business, science, politics and civil society will come together to discuss the challenges of sustainable digitalization in an international context. High-ranking personalities such as Vivien Foster, Chief Economist of the World Bank, Amel Saidane, President of Tunisian Startups, Nadia Hewett, Project Manager for Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology at the World Economic Forum, Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Dirk Messner, President of the Federal Environment Agency, are participating as well as founders of startups from all over the world and activists for environmental protection from Ethiopia, Malaysia or India, for example.

The conference is free of charge and takes place online.

To the agenda of

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