Critical Review of the IPHE Working Paper “Methodology for Determining the GHG emissions associated with the Production of hydrogen”

This paper provides a critical review of selected aspects of the draft IPHE methodology. The purpose of this paper is to provide an input to people involved in the consultation process concerning the draft IPHE methodology. The main questions of interest discussed in this paper are:

  • Does the methodology miss out on any relevant emissions that should be considered?
  • Is the methodology likely to lead to an overestimation or an underestimation of the GHG emissions associated with different H2 production pathways, or with H2 production in different countries or regions?
  • Are there issues that are not addressed in the methodology, but that should be considered from a sustainability point of view?
  • How does the draft IPHE methodology compare with (selected) methodologies implied by
  • certification schemes and strategies adopted in or in course of development in the EU?