Recycling options for WEEE plastic components

Global circular economy of strategic metals - best-of-two-worlds approach (Bo2W)

The problems associated with the recycling of e-waste in Africa, for both people and the environment, are well-known. Less well known, though, are the benefits that sustainable recycling can bring. Oeko-Institut’s new project aims to investigate and facilitate the transition to sustainable recycling solutions to recover scarce and valuable metals like platinum, indium etc. from locally generated end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment and end-of-life vehicles, by developing and implementing new strategies for recycling these scrap flows in a manner that respects public health, is environmentally sound, and is socially acceptable. The project follows the “Best of Two World” concept developed by the multi-stakeholder Solving the E-waste Problem (StEP) Initiative ( hosted by the UN’s research arm, the United Nations University (UNU).