noise-related landing charges (FKZ 201 96 107)

Economic measures for the reduction of the environmental impact of air transport

  • C. Hochfeld
  • H. Arps
  • M. Schmied
  • S. Otten
  • R. Hopf

Because of existing growth rates for air traffic and capacity extensions at many international airports, efforts to find effective instruments for the reduction of noise problems increase. Economic instruments gain increasingly in importance. This study examines, with an LTO-charging model differentiated according to aircraft-noise emissions and incentives for air transport companies for the use of less-noisy aircraft. The results of the study are based on a comprehensive status-quo analysis of European LTO-charging models; they demonstrate the need for harmonized development of this kind of instrument as an incentive, in order to be able to obtain transparency and comprehensibility. The study draws attention to a set of guidelines that must be considered in future.