Collaborative Actions for Single Use Plastic Prevention in Southeast Asia (CAP SEA)

  • Rofi Alhanif
  • Rendra K. Hasan
  • Nafisa Iskandar
  • Siddharth Prakash
    Head of Subdivision Circular Economy & Global Value Chain / Senior Researchers Sustainable Products & Material Flows

The main objective of this paper is to provide recommendations to the Indonesian government for the prevention of single-use plastics and packaging waste in Indonesia. The recommendations have been drafted on the basis of the CAP-SEA’s support activities to the political partners in Indonesia.

The CAP-SEA working structure involved:

  • Working Package 1: Circular Economy Policy Framework,
  • Working Package 2: Circular Economy Product Criteria and Material related Aspects,
  • Working Package 3: Single-Use Plastic Prevention Piloting.