Technical and scientific advice for the commune Bischweier in the course of the licensing procedure for the modification of the wood preparation and the backfitting of the sifting and classification plant in the particle boards production of the company Kronospan

As part of the consultation, the information in the application documents and the enclosed expert reports on emissions and immissions of air pollutants and noise as well as on environmental compatibility were examined and the findings compiled in a statement and presented at the hearing. As category I waste wood had previously been used in the chipboard plant and the application was now for the use of mainly category II waste wood, possible increases in heavy metal emissions in particular were considered with regard to air pollution control.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2015

Project manager

Peter Küppers

Funded by

Bischweier Municipality

Project partners

Peter Gebhardt, Ingenieurbüro für Umwelttechnik (IfU)