Study to establish a methodology for the reporting of reuse of products and rules for the reporting of reusable packaging

In consequence of the revised Waste Framework Directive (2018) in Article 9 and Article 37 and the revised Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (2018) in Article 5 and 11 the European Commission, DG Environment tasked Oeko-Institut to assess optiond for the monitoring of reuse and to propose forms for reporting on reuse with the following detailed tasks:

  • Task 1: Screening and assessment of practices for calculating, verifying and reporting reuse in Member States for product categories
  • Task 2: Assessment of options and proposal to measure and report the reuse of products at EU level (excluding packaging)
  • Task 3: Establishing formats for reporting of data and quality check re-ports (excluding packaging)
  • Task 4: Establishing rules on reporting of reusable packaging under the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive
  • Task 5: Organising a stakeholder workshop
  • Task 6: Refining the documents produced under Tasks 1 to 4

The works are carried out under the Framework Contract ENV.B.3/FRA/2017/0005 “Assistance to the Commission on the implementation of the revised waste legislation, assessment of Waste Management Plans and monitoring of compliance with the Waste Framework Directive”

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2019

Project manager

Georg Mehlhart

Project staff

Jasmin Weishäupl

Funded by

European Commission (EC)

Project partners

Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management
Henning Wilts
PlanMiljø ApS

Website of project