Feasibility study for a "climate-neutral" organization of the Men's European Football Championship 2024 (UEFA EURO 2024)

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), a concept and feasibility study for a "climate-neutral" staging of the European Men's Football Championship 2024 (UEFA EURO 2024) was prepared by Öko-Institut e.V.. As the overarching goal of this study, practical climate protection measures have been developed for staging a EURO 2024 that is as climate-friendly as possible. An important focus is on the possibilities of a "climate-neutral" organization of the tournament. In addition to the stadiums and the "actual" tournament, the activities of the ten host cities where the games will be held are also taken into account. The study contains a detailed derivation of the ex-ante carbon footprint of UEFA EURO 2024 and presents the concept of "climate responsibility" as an alternative to the "classical" model of greenhouse gas compensation with a view to a climate-friendly EURO 2024. As a further focus, measures to avoid and reduce greenhouse gas emissions at EURO 2024 are presented. The results of this project will support the organizers of EURO 2024 and the ten venues to further develop and implement their sustainability efforts in the field of climate protection. Going beyond EURO 2024, the annex volume "Climate Protection at Sustainable Major Sporting Events" accompanying the report contains selected recommendations for action on climate protection at major national and international sporting events and is aimed at the stakeholders involved in the planning and implementation of such sporting events.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2022

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)

Project partners

Christopher Hay