Evaluation, monitoring and adjustment as well as further development of the German National Climate Initiative (NCI)

The German National Climate Initiative (NCI) presents one cornerstone of the German Government’s ambitious plans to reduce GHG emissions. It was initiated in 2008 to contribute to the German climate targets and addresses businesses, consumers and local authorities in areas with significant efficiency and mitigation potentials. The NCI aims to stimulate behavioural change and investment towards energy efficiency and lower GHG emissions by bringing together different actors, initiating local initiatives, reducing barriers and setting examples for multiplication and imitation. The NCI supports diverse projects and programmes including campaigns, broad and specific information programmes, local energy/climate concepts as well as stimulus programmes for investments such as efficient street lighting, commercial cooling systems or household-scale cogeneration facilities.

The focus of this project is to evaluate the activities funded within the NCI with respect to their emissions mitigation impact, imitation effect, model character, economic and employment effects, regional coverage and more. The project further aims to design new activities and programmes, adjust and improve existing ones and provide support to the German government in further developing the NCI.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Wolfram Jörß
Head of Carbon Accounting subdivision / Senior Researcher Energy & Climate
Lothar Rausch

Funded by

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)

Project partners

Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (Fraunhofer ISI)
Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (ifeu)
Ecologic Institut gGmbH
Prof. Dr. Stefan Klinski
Dr. Kerstin Tews
Ice-TeX-Ingenieurbüro, Sponholz-Rühlow
Prognos AG