Assistance in the implementation and operation of the Environmental Data Centre for Waste 2008-2010

The Go4 (ESTAT, DG ENV, EEA and JRC) have decided to establish Environmental Data Centres (EDC) which should be a joint system for the provision of data and information to achieve better knowledge. ESTAT is inter alia in charge of the implementation of the EDC on Waste.

The aim of the project is to assist in the implementation and operation of the EDC for Waste with the following tasks:

  • Development of the organisational structure for the EDC on waste
  • Review and Processing of waste Data ("Operational management structure")
  • Content related input for the development of the technical structure for the DC waste
  • Data collection
  • Indicators on waste

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2010

Project manager

Project staff

Georg Mehlhart
Lothar Rausch

Funded by

European Commission, Directorate General ESTAT
European Commission, DG Environment

Project partners

Eunomia Research and Consulting Ltd.
Ge-Systems Sàrl in Luxembourg
ARGUS Statistik und Informationssysteme in Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbH, Berlin