100% climate-neutral energy supply - the contribution of Baden-Württemberg and its twelve regions

The study pursues the goal of concretising various Germany-wide climate-neutral target scenarios for Baden-Württemberg and its twelve regions. For this purpose, three scenarios were selected that differ in relevant input variables and assumptions. The focus is on the areas of "electricity supply" and "building heat supply". In addition to the regionalisation of the selected Germany scenarios to Baden-Württemberg and its twelve regions, eleven measures are formulated at the end of the study that should now be implemented as a matter of priority in the fields of action "reduction of energy consumption", "electricity supply" and "building heat supply" in order to enable a climate-neutral energy supply in Baden-Württemberg.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2023

Project staff

Funded by

BUND Landesverband Baden-Württemberg e.V.