Knowledge and science: Facts about alternatives, not alternative facts

[Translate to English:] Die aktuelle Ausgabe der eco@work ist erschienen.

With the advent of digital technologies, knowledge has become widely available. It seems that information about everything – and everyone – is just a mouse click away. But how reliable is this deluge of data? Which sources are credible – and where is knowledge being twisted to serve subjective aims? How vulnerable is knowledge to attack? And how has the role of science changed in this context?

This latest issue of eco@work looks at science and knowledge from a variety of perspectives. In her guest article, Professor Martina Schäfer from the Centre for Technology and Society (ZTG) at TU Berlin turns the spotlight on transdisciplinary research and considers the tough challenges it faces in the space between theory and practice. And of course, this June issue of eco@work also showcases the Oeko-Institut’s work in this context – and considers the challenges arising at the interface between politics, science and society. In an extensive interview, Professor Rainer Griesshammer, who will be retiring from the Executive Board in summer 2018, looks back at the evolution of the Oeko-Institut over the years and gives some insights into environmental knowledge sharing and citizen participation.

Read the current issue of eco@work – Knowledge and science: Facts about alternatives, not alternative facts