Jan Peter Schemmel elected as new chair of Ecornet

[Translate to English:] Sprecher der Geschäftsführung des Öko-Instituts als Ecornet-Sprecher gewählt
Jan Peter Schemmel, chair of the executive board of the Oeko-Institut, has been elected as the new co-chair of the Ecological Research Network (Ecornet) by the panel of directors of its member institutes. He takes over from Dr Camilla Bausch, director of the Ecologic Institute, who has served in this capacity since 2017. The directors of the Ecornet institutes thanked Dr Camilla Bausch for her commitment over many years and her outstanding work. She will remain with Ecornet as a member of the panel of institute directors.
Jan Peter Schemmel will perform the chairperson role jointly with Thomas Korbun, the scientific director of the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW). Thomas Korbun has been co-chair of Ecornet since 2012 and was re-elected for a further term of office. He was likewise thanked by the panel of institute directors for his work as the network's external representative.