Diversity at risk: How to preserve biodiversity?

[Translate to English:] Wie Biodiversität schützen und wiederherstellen?
Bit by bit biodiversity, the diversity of life, is slipping away. According to the United Nations, one million species of flora and fauna are at risk of extinction. Yet we need biodiversity and ecosystem services, such as the environmental waters’ capacity for self-purification or CO2 sequestration in forests, for our own survival – including and above all with a view to feeding ourselves.
In the current issue of eco@work we focus on biodiversity. We look at how biodiversity can be protected and restored, and present the EU's nature restoration targets. Given that our consumption and production patterns impact adversely on biodiversity in countless areas, we also address the question of how these patterns can be changed.
How can the EU’s diversity conservation objectives be achieved? This is a topic we discussed with Stefan Leiner. In the interview, the head of the Biodiversity Unit at the EU Commission's Directorate-General for the Environment also explains whether it is realistic to achieve a good conservation status for ecosystems by 2050.
Read the current issue of eco@work Diversity at risk. How to preserve biodiversity?