40 years of the Oeko-Institut - Let´s make a wish!

[Translate to English:] Die erste Ausgabe der Öko-Mitteilungen von 1978.
The June issue of eco@work ‘40 years of the Oeko-Institut – Let´s make a wish!' marks this anniversary. This special issue of the magazine looks back over the eventful history of the Oeko-Institut – from the years leading up to its foundation to the latest developments, events and projects. We also hear from people who have been with us and supported us during those 40 years.
At the same time we look ahead to the future and consider the issues that will dominate the coming decades. And we ask about the wishes, ideas and expectations that the staff of the Oeko-Institut have for the future. In a joint interview with Michael Sailer and Dr. Wiebke Zimmer we discuss the ways in which the institute is working for a sustainable future.
Read the current issue of eco@work ‘40 years of the Oeko-Institut’ here. Let´s make a wish!