The 2000s

The Oeko-Institut during this time
2000: The ‘Energiewende 2020’ study
The Oeko-Institut and the Heinrich Böll Foundation show how the nuclear phase-out can succeed.
2001: Study of the environment and tourism
The Oeko-Institut’s first study of the world’s fast-growing tourism sector.
2002: Michael Sailer becomes chair of the Reactor Safety Commission (RSK)
2003: Study of green genetic engineering and organic farming
In this study the Oeko-Institut shows that the use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture jeopardises organic production.
2005: Launch of the EcoTopTen consumer platform
The platform profiles those mass-produced products that are particularly energy efficient and environmentally sound.
2005: Study of the German waste management sector’s pioneering role in climate change mitigation
2005: Conclusion of the project on transforming food systems
The Oeko-Institut shows how a sustainable food system could be achieved.
2006: The first issue of eco@work is published
The new members’ magazine replaces the previous ‘Öko-Mitteilungen’ and is also produced as an e-paper in German and English.
2006: Study of the social impacts of notebook production
The study shows that in China notebooks are produced under worrying social and environmental conditions – and that fair notebooks are not necessarily much more expensive. The paper has a strong influence on the discussion of socially acceptable production.
2008: Michael Sailer becomes chair of the German Nuclear Waste Management Commission (ESK)
2008: Pilot project on carbon footprint calculation, joint memorandum with the German Environment Ministry and Federal Environment Agency
2009: Germany’s ‘Blue Angel’ ecolabel scheme is expanded to include climate issues
The Oeko-Institut draws up criteria for awarding the label in 100 climate-relevant product groups.
2009: Launch of the ‘Renewbility’ series of studies
The project focuses on climate change mitigation strategies for the transport sector; stakeholders are involved.
National and international events
2000: Nuclear phase-out
The Red-Green government coalition initiates the phase-out, which is enshrined in the Atomic Energy Act in 2002.
2000: Adoption of the Renewable Energy Act
2000 onwards: Consultations on greenhouse gas emissions trading
The Oeko-Institut advises the German government and the EU on preparations for emissions trading and later also on the details of the scheme.
2001: EU directive on the promotion of renewable energy
The aim is for 14 per cent of the European Union’s electricity to come from renewable sources by 2010.
2005: EU Ecodesign Directive enters into force
The aim is to make products more environmentally friendly and reduce their climate impact.
2005: Start of the EU Emission Trading Scheme
2007: EU REACH Regulation on chemicals
The Regulation is designed to increase transparency and safety in the production and use of chemicals. The Oeko-Institut provides detailed input into the sustainability assessment of chemicals.
Quotes from our associates
»It’s good that we are looking far into the future, calculating scenarios from behind and looking at what needs to happen if we want to get there. And that we at the institute have developed new instruments that are helpful.«
Dorothea Michaelsen-Friedlieb, member of the Oeko-Institut’s Committee since 1996
»We were involved in drafting the nuclear phase-out act, particularly where there were lots of detailed rules that had to be formulated clearly and correctly.«
Michael Sailer, member of the Oeko-Institut’s executive board
»I believe that once again we need to think on a larger scale. We need concepts for dealing with transport issues, concepts for how cities can and should develop, concepts for how we are going to manage our consumption.«
Prof. Gerd Michelsen, co-founder of the Oeko-Institut