An expert’s view on the guidance for reporting and review after #COP26

[Translate to English:] The working paper provides an overview of the contents of the decision text and its annexes. It is intended for readers interested in the transparency framework under the Paris Agreement who did not follow the negotiations on this topic.

At COP26, the guidance for reporting and review under the transparency framework of the Paris Agreement was agreed – an important milestone for the implementation of the agreement. Two experts from Öko-Institut, who participated in the negotiations, provide an inside look into this guidance and its context.

The working paper ‘Understanding the transparency guidance’ provides an overview of the contents of the decision text and its annexes. It is intended for readers interested in the transparency framework under the Paris Agreement who did not follow the negotiations on this topic but would like to gain an understanding of the guidance and its implications for reporting and review under the Paris Agreement.

Lorenz Moosmann is an expert for greenhouse gas emissions and reporting at the division ‘Energy & Climate’ at the Berlin office. He participated in the international climate negotiations on transparency as a member of the German delegation. Anke Herold is the Executive Director of the Oeko-Institut. She was previously an EU negotiator on the topic of transparency under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Her main area of work is European and international climate policy, particularly the design of an international climate regime.

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