Goodbye, nuclear power – unsustainable, uneconomical and high-risk

Nuclear energy use is nearing an end

In Germany, nuclear energy use is nearing an end. There are many good reasons for this, not least the major risks associated with this technology, imprinted on our consciousness by the disasters at Chernobyl in 1986 and Fukushima in 2011. The environmental and social risks associated with uranium mining and the dangers of proliferation – in other words, the use of civilian nuclear technology to develop nuclear weapons – also send a clear message. In the latest issue of eco@work, we cast a glance back at the history of nuclear power in Germany and consider whether it is still fit for the future. In this final issue in 2022, we also talk to Yves Marignac from Association négaWatt, who provides some answers to this question from a French perspective.

Read the current issue of eco@work here: Goodbye, nuclear power – unsustainable, uneconomical and high-risk