Noise - Impacts and protection

[Translate to English:] Lärm - Auswirkungen und Schutz

[Translate to English:] Jetzt online: die neue Ausgabe der eco@work

A plane taking off, a rumbling freight train, a roaring leafblower. We are surrounded by noise. What effect does it have? And how can we protect ourselves from it? This issue of eco@work looks at these questions.

The topics covered in the March issue of eco@work “Noise. Impacts and protection” include aviation noise, the question of responsibility for associated noise protection, and measures for reducing aviation noise. We also introduce the NORAH study (Noise-Related Annoyance, Cognition and Health), which deals with the specific impacts of traffic noise on health and quality of life. In our interview we hear from Dr Irene van Kamp, a noise expert from the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).

Read the latest issue of eco@work here.