Scientific advice on the revision of the EU ETS Directive

The EU Emissions trading scheme is under review to help meet much stricter emissions targets as agreed upon by EU leaders in March 2007. Within their proposal for a European Energy and Climate Change Package, on 23 January 2008 the Commission put out an ETS reform proposal for the post-2012 period.

The EU Emissions trading scheme is under review to help meet much stricter emissions targets as agreed upon by EU leaders in March 2007. Within their proposal for a European Energy and Climate Change Package, on 23 January 2008 the Commission put out an ETS reform proposal for the post-2012 period. The goal is to adopt a revised ET Directive by the end of 2009. This project provides scientific advice, research and analysis to the German Federal Environmental Protection Agency and the Germany Ministry of the Environment related to various aspects under discussion, i.e. among others competitiveness and leakage aspects, extension of the scope of the system, linking with other systems, implementation of auctioning of emissions allowances, benchmarking, and institutional issues.

The report on "Impacts of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme on the industrial competitiveness in Germany" is available for download here >>.

A workshop on “Unilateral Climate Policies and Carbon Leakage” was organized by Öko-Institut (Institute of Applied Ecology) on September 4th and 5th, 2008. The workshop brought together researchers and policy makers engaged in i) the analysis of potential competitiveness distortions and carbon leakage due to the EU Emissions Trading Scheme as well as ii) in the critical assessment of potential measures to address these issues. To download the workshop program, presentations and list of participants as a zip-file please click here >>.


Dr. Katja Schumacher
Öko-Institut e.V.
Berlin Office
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