Scientific support for the national programme for sustainable consumption – Subproject 3: Environmental costs of consumer goods as a starting point for the improvement of market-related and non-market-related consumer information ('2nd price tag')

The National Programme for Sustainable Consumption defines the development of a "2nd price tag" which may reflect the social and environmental impact of a product in monetary terms as a relevant comprehensive course of action aimed at informing consumers on the environmental and social impact of their own consumption behaviour, and at presenting them with concrete possible actions. Against this background, a key objective of this project is to determine a strategic rationale, on the basis of which the feasibility of implementing the action plan for establishing a “2nd price tag” can be decided.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2020

Project manager

Ina Rüdenauer

Project staff

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)

Project partners

minds & makers
co2online gGmbH