MobiQ - Sustainable mobility by sharing in the neighbourhood

The MobiQ project is testing in practice how people in three real-world laboratory neighbourhoods can organise their mobility together, share (private) means of transport of various kinds and thus improve social participation, ecological sustainability and economic efficiency. Social and digital neighbourhood networks and new mobility services support the activities in the neighbourhoods. The aim is to make mobility ecologically sustainable, socially fair and economically efficient without reducing the degree of mobility and social participation. The initial situations and challenges in the three neighbourhoods of Geislingen Obere Stadt, Stuttgart-Rot and Waldburg are very different, but each represents areas in which commercial sharing services have not yet proven to be economically viable. The Oeko-Institut is in charge of the real-world laboratory site in Waldburg and is also responsible for the overarching work packages "Scientific classification and identification of success factors", "Evaluation for process monitoring and analysis in the real-world laboratories" and "Analyses of use, acceptance and climate protection impact in the real-world laboratories".

Background information on the project in English can be found in the following publication:

Kesselring, S., Simon-Philipp, C., Bansen, J., Hefner, B., Minnich, L., & Schreiber, J. (2023). Sustainable Mobilities in the Neighborhood: Methodological Innovation for Social Change. Sustainability , 15 (4), 3583. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project staff

Peter Kasten
Deputy head of Division / Senior Researcher Resources & Transport
Juliette Le Corguillé

Funded by

Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden Württemberg

Project partners

Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen

Website of project