Affordable housing and climate protection with a view to the housing situation and housing costs of low- and middle-income households

Germany has committed itself in the Federal Climate Change Act to becoming climate neutral by 2045. With the resulting increased climate action efforts, potential conflicts of objectives increase: climate action costs money, but also brings multiple benefits. However, costs and benefits are often unevenly distributed. The energy modernisation of existing buildings can change the housing costs and burdens of households. Particularly for households with low and medium incomes, special burden situations can arise. The aim of the research project is to shed light on the conflict of objectives between affordable housing and climate action and to derive approaches for action that strike a good balance between climate action and the affordability of housing for acting groups.

The project team therefore analyses the effects of selected climate policy measures in the building sector on the various groups affected or acting and develops recommendations for action. The focus is continuously on the target group-specific, detailed consideration of housing cost burdens and housing situations. In addition, the target group-specific design of measures is taken into account in order to address the concerns and needs of individual groups. When deriving recommendations for action, the possible acceptance by the actors concerned is assessed in each case.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR)

Project partners

Dresden Institute for Building Systems Engineering Research and Application (ITG)
Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW)
Prof. Steiner (FU Berlin)
Hannah Galster