Energy & Climate

Wolfram Jörß

Head of Carbon Accounting subdivision / Senior Researcher

Special Expertise

  • Policies and measures on fluorinated greenhouse gases
  • Emission inventories and projections for greenhouse gases and air pollutants
  • Reporting and review under the UNFCCC
  • Monitoring of climate change policies
  • Assessment on renewable and efficiency technologies

Key Projects

  • Review of EU F-Gas-Regulation 517/2014
  • Monitoring of HFC prices and HFC phase-down under the EU-F-Gas-Regulation
  • Technical support for the implementation of EU F-gas policies
  • Technical support on international F-gas policies
  • Measures for improving the market penetration of climate-friendly technologies without halogenated substances
  • Impact Assessment for the Revision of the F-Gas Regulation 842/2006
  • European Topic Centre on Climate Change Mitigation
  • Data concepts in the German national emission trading system
  • Handbook on data concepts in the EU-ETS
  • Implications of changed reporting obligations for the EU ETS and the Greenhouse Gas Inventory by means of the Effort Sharing Decision
  • Conceptualization of a common transparency framework under the Paris Agreement.
  • Preparation of implementing and delegated acts in the climate field under the Governance Regulation
  • Review of emissions inventories and national communications / biennial reports under the UNFCCC
  • Preparation of the 2nd EU biennial report under the UNFCCC
  • Preparation of the EU 1st Biennial Report and EU 6th National Communication under the UNFCCC
  • Methodological adaptation of the German GHG emission inventories to the revised „UNFCCC reporting guidelines on annual inventories for Parties included in Annex I to the Convention“
  • Evaluation of the national part of the Climate Initiative (Micro-CHP & Commercial Cooling)
  • Monitoring, evaluation ad further development of the German CHP Act
  • Assessment of the environmental, social and economic impacts of the sector targets for 2030 of the Federal Government's Climate Action Plan 2050
  • Air quality 2020/2030
  • PAREST – Particle Reduction Strategies
  • Emission scenarios for fine particles
  • Measures to comply with the NEC Directive


  • Since 2011: senior scientist at Öko-Institut
  • 2000 – 2011: senior scientist at the Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment (IZT)
  • 1997 – 2000 scientific staff at the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA)


  • Berlin Technical University: Graduate Degree (Dipl.-Ing.) in Environmental Engineering

Language Skills

  • English (fluent)
  • Russian, French (good knowledge)


Wolfram Jörß