Sustainable Products & Material Flows

Ashleigh McLennan


Special Expertise

Main areas of research: Sustainable products and consumption


  • Governmental policies promoting circular economy development
  • Green, socially responsible and circular public procurement
  • International cooperation and capacity building


  • Discourse, policy and stakeholder analyses
  • Expert interviews
  • Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
  • SWOT analyses 
  • Train the trainers

Professional Training and Career

  • Since 2021: Researcher at Öko-Institut, Sustainable Products & Material Flows Division 
  • 2017-2021: Sustainable Economy and Procurement Officer at ICLEI Europe, Freiburg
  • 2016-2017: Freelance Coordinator for the international Convention of Environmental Laureates
  • 2015-2017: Master of Science in Environmental Governance, University of Freiburg
  • 2012-2015: Policy Executive & Manager at the Scottish Council for Development and Industry (SCDI), Glasgow
  • 2011-2012: Junior Consultant at Rocket Science UK Ltd, Edinburgh
  • 2008-2011: Master of Arts in Geography, University of Edinburgh

Language Skills

English (mother tongue), German


Ashleigh McLennan